Looking for solutions to your health issues?

Understand how your emotions and past trauma show up as issues in your body

Feeling Stuck?

Maybe with your life, your health, yourself, or something else.

Pain somewhere in your body?

Perhaps you've seen many doctors or other practitioners without success.

Not fulfilling your potential?

It could be that past traumas haunt you and hold you back from being happy.

Problems in your relationships?

Old patterns might be repeating themselves causing sabotage.

Insight Osteopathy (IO)

Life can sometimes be a struggle and suddenly we find ourselves hurting. Illness can show up out of the blue or can persist for months or even years. Doctors often don’t have the understanding or take the time to ask about the origins of your issues and are fast to prescribe medication to treat the symptoms, not the cause.

Insight Osteopathy (IO) has developed from over thirty years of clinical practice. It has its roots in osteopathic medicine, as well as in the principles of acupuncture, psychosynthesis psychology and journeywork. It embraces components of hypnosis, visualisation, meditation, the presence process and other forms of healing such as chi gung. IO also includes various forms of bodywork including Rolfing, Hellerwork, Thai bodywork and many other approaches too including Feldenkrais, pulsing, biofield work, acupressure, moxibustion and Tui Na.


IO is based on the premise that beyond physical anatomy and physiology, the body is comprised of a matrix, an interconnected network through which the life force moves.

The sense of wellbeing is primarily affected by feelings, which arise from our thoughts. Feelings are designed to be fully embraced and felt when they naturally arise. Much of the time, however, feelings are suppressed and become stored emotional charge. This charge commonly becomes body tension through contraction of tissues including muscles and fascia, as well as organs.


Throughout the course of a person’s life, suppressed emotional charge accumulates and builds up in intensity. This can lead to pain and even chronic illness when organs such as the heart and bowels, which are controlled by the autonomic nerves, are disturbed.

A chronic situation of stored tension is often supported by ‘patterns’ within the psyche. Patterns are usually driven by non-serving beliefs. These non-serving beliefs create perpetual negative thought patterns, which lead to uncomfortable feelings. The uncomfortable feelings create more bodily tension and a perpetual cycle is created.


IO is a way to break into the cycle by creating a safe space where the individual can explore feelings that are most often held in the unconscious field. The feelings are more likely to come up as the body is systematically explored and probed in a particular way.

Meridian and chakra points have extremely well documented associations with aspects of emotional and psychological wellbeing. Traumas are held often in specific parts of the body.

The object of IO is to open the psyche to enable emotional energy to come to the surface. Feelings are always felt somewhere in the body. Where a feeling is associated with a tense part of the body, that area is supported in various ways to release.


As feelings come up and begin to move, an enquiry begins as to what other feeling might be inside. A journey begins through the layers of feelings. Certain feelings are persistent and are perpetuated by non-serving beliefs which can be identified and through specific processes, can be changed right here. The specific impact of IO is the resolution and integration of emotional charge, thought repatterning, and finally reducing the associated bodily constrictions fully associated with negative thought patterns.

It is the combination of precise physical and exact mental emotional change that has a powerful synergistic impact on the individual, and makes IO unique.


Phill Hunt

Osteopath, Homeopath, Nutritionist, Acupuncturist and Psychosynthesis Psychologist

Phill Hunt DO BSc(Hons) Ost Med DAc DNN MApsychology has created and developed Insight Osteopathy over the past three decades.

He is driven by a deep desire to empower people to reconnect with their own potential and true self. This reconnection is where the answers are - the magic and truth of Source, our infinite potential that is our birth right.

Over three decades of running a private health centre in the UK, based on osteopathic medicine, he studied and graduated in Acupuncture, Homeopathy, natural Nutrition and Psychosynthesis psychology.

His passion for learning and seeking answers motivate him on a daily basis to continue to research and continue to discover what is at the cutting edge of health and wellness.

Book in for an Insight Osteopathic session

Get to the heart of whatever might be in your way, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Experience for yourself fast access to the unconscious part of you this holding you back
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My Approach

Insight Osteopathy

Combining deep myofascial work and osteopathy together with emotional and spiritual exploration, this method can bring about transformative results, compared to simply addressing structure alone. During an Insight Osteopathy session, individual are guided within, into a theta brain state or meditative space while their body is scanned and blocked areas identified. Through this experience, higher levels of consciousness can be accessed, connecting to ones true nature and power. It is life changing and transformative.


An osteopathic session usually simply addresses the physical aspect of the problem - the mechanics and what’s out of balance just in muscles, fascia, joints ligaments and tendons. While these tissues usually always need attention, the physical aspect of an issue is usually less than half of what is really out of balance (more than half is buried trauma, patterns held as tension and emotional charge, and mental blockages where we don’t realise that our thinking does not serve our physiological potential). 

Asyra Bioresonance Scanner

The Asyra bioresonance scanner is a medical device which will help to identify at every level what is going on, bodily (virus, parasite, toxin, nutrient and biochemical imbalances for example) and psychologically (emotions and thoughts). The device then stimulates you to begin to clear and shift any obstacles. It also finds and administers exactly the right homeopathic remedy that will be prepared for you at the session so that you can take it home with you.


Elaina- USA
Sarah- Switzerland
Logan- Australia
Phil Hurlie- USA
Jan- Bali
I have been beyond honoured to receive Insight Osteopathy from Phill Hunt over this last year and I do not say this lightly, this work has completely changed my life. This therapy has been a tremendous resource to me, ushering me into my own shadow, long held trauma that has embedded into my body and unconscious beliefs and patterns that have left me stuck, stagnant and sick for far too long. The intuitive insight, safety and tremendous care brought into this space are what alchemize and allow this transformative healing to occur. Doing this work has changed everything for me and I am eternally grateful.
Joy Morehead
Working with Phillip unfolded both immediately in session, and gently afterwards. It was only with time that I understood how the word ‘insight’ really comes into play in Phillips work. The integration was intense at times, but the insights it came with in the weeks that would follow a session were profound. Noticing and understanding my reaction to a situation as if in slow motion and being able to correct course with more ease instead of going down the same, trotted (neural) pathways. Choosing differently, actively, over and over again - and changing the direction of your life, session by session and choice by choice.
Kat T
I wish to give an acknowledgement of deep gratitude to Phill Hunt. Phill is the most gifted bodyworker who has ever laid hands on me. His extraordinary skill, knowledge, and experience combined with his brilliant sensitive/intuitive touch and presence results in him holding a very special gift that is incredibly powerful and second to none. And he uses it wisely in the direction of truth and healing, with great generosity too. I recommend anyone seeking osteopathic or other types of bodywork to get in touch with Phill in London. It is worth traveling a distance to see him, he’s truly remarkable. Thank you, Phill for the amazing gifts you have given me and continue to give the world.
Randy Ralston
One bodywork session with Phill was powerful enough to create a shift in my physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Our session focused on cutting through layers, from my physical to my subtle body, by first identifying areas that carried tension. Phill worked on my body in a way that released the tension, which brought up some unexpected emotions. By examining these emotions he helped me identify underlying beliefs that have held me back from living fully. He helped me embrace my sadness and release it with compassion, and from this place I was able to access my divinity. I see now that my higher self has been guiding me by way of this ‘body wisdom,’ which is always available to each of us. My session with Phill was the gateway to the extraordinary life I’ve been waiting to create.
Darcy Austin


Insight Osteopathy Book

A journey towards soul body integration,  is a description of the history and development of Insight Osteopathy. It gives several examples of actual processes which individuals underwent and outlines how and why it works. Based on models of osteopathic medicine, acupuncture meridians and reflexology, psychosynthesis psychology as well as a multitude of other healing modalities including holotropic breathwork, journeywork, matrix energetics, Feldenkreis, yoga, trigger point therapy, cranial sacral, and others too, Insight Osteopathy: A Journey to Soul Body Integration is a completely intuitive approach to transformation.
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Insight Bodywork Training

This is a six week program online which will teach you to become an Insight Bodywork practitioner.

This is a unique course will teach you a powerful healing method to work on any level with people - physically and emotionally.

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Deeper Insight Course

Deeper Insight is a resource for you to understand yourself better and a powerful set of tools to really help you in any situation in your life. This course will help you take radical actions, fast track to freedom and find harmony and balance.
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For more information, booking a session or other inquiries, you can whatsapp or email Phill Hunt