
Elaina- USA
Sarah- Switzerland
Logan- Australia
Phil Hurlie- USA
I have been beyond honoured to receive Insight Osteopathy from Phill Hunt over this last year and I do not say this lightly, this work has completely changed my life. The intuitive insight, safety and tremendous care brought into this space are what alchemize and allow this transformative healing to occur. In doing this work you will receive a massive gift, the gift of knowing that, no grief, no anger, no shame, no disgust, no PAIN, is absolute; and that when you give yourself the opportunity to go to these places and feel everything in all its entirety, that it will not swallow you whole; but rather lights the path for far more expansion and transcendence. What a gift to not fear pain and to receive divine wholeness instead. This therapy has been a tremendous resource to me, ushering me into my own shadow, long held trauma that has embedded into my body and unconscious beliefs and patterns that have left me stuck, stagnant and sick for far too long. By learning how to meet all of these places within me with great compassion, love and acceptance, this is where the shift has occurred, by tapping into my own divine knowing, life force energy and deep held wisdom. This has allowed me to step into something completely new, the truth that I am safe, loved and completely and divinely free. Doing this work has changed everything for me and I am eternally grateful and my sincerest of hopes is that Insight Osteopathy will reach as many people as possible. I have no doubts it will change everything in the most powerful way. What a massive gift this work is to the world and how greatly we need to learn how to embrace all the parts of ourselves, on the path to freedom.
Joy Morehead
Working with Phillip unfolded both immediately in session, and gently afterwards. It was only with time that I understood how the word ‘insight’ really comes into play in Phillips work. The integration was intense at times, but the insights it came with in the weeks that would follow a session were profound. Moments in session were transformative and always surprisingly different. With time out in the world, my ability to catch myself and witness the person I was becoming after sessions was the true gift. Noticing and understanding my reaction to a situation as if in slow motion and being able to correct course with more ease instead of going down the same, trotted (neural) pathways. Choosing differently, actively, over and over again - and changing the direction of your life, session by session and choice by choice. Thank you, Phillip. Can’t wait to work with you again.
Kat T
Kat T

Phill has an incredible gift for his patients: He always finds the words that have the power to unlock the door. He has brought powerful transformation into my life, I feel I have shed layers of old conditioning and unhelpful patterns. I am finally the real me, the one that has been hiding under those layers all these years and it feels wonderful.

After the sessions, I leave feeling pain-free, light, relaxed, smiling all the way back home. Phill’s approach is holistic-he treats all parts of you, the muscular and skeletal system as well as the mental, emotional and spiritual you. He has helped me to look deep into myself and to find the shadow parts of me that I never thought could exist.

Federica- Brighton
One bodywork session with Phill was powerful enough to create a shift in my physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Our session focused on cutting through layers, from my physical to my subtle body, by first identifying areas that carried tension. Phill worked on my body in a way that released the tension, which brought up some unexpected emotions. By examining these emotions he helped me identify underlying beliefs that have held me back from living fully. He helped me embrace my sadness and release it with compassion, and from this place I was able to access my divinity. I see now that my higher self has been guiding me by way of this ‘body wisdom,’ which is always available to each of us. My session with Phill was the gateway to the extraordinary life I’ve been waiting to create.
Darcy Austin
I wish to give an acknowledgement of deep gratitude to Phill Hunt. Phill is the most gifted bodyworker who has ever laid hands on me. His extraordinary skill, knowledge, and experience combined with his brilliant sensitive/intuitive touch and presence results in him holding a very special gift that is incredibly powerful and second to none. And he uses it wisely in the direction of truth and healing, with great generosity too. I recommend anyone seeking osteopathic or other types of bodywork to get in touch with Phill in London. It is worth traveling a distance to see him, he’s truly remarkable. Thank you, Phill for the amazing gifts you have given me and continue to give the world.
Randy Ralston
Five star treatment. I thought I went deep! Phil is masterful at his craft. He wields powerful adjustments while calling in potent emotional processing. He uncovered emotions stored in the body I had long since thought were completely processed and healed. It was a cathartic release of blockages that made way for a sense of coming home….. a deep peaceful contentment and felt sense of emotional release. My body, mind and spirit now feel more in alignment with my highest potential and purpose. Thank you kindly dear brother for your skilful presence. I highly recommend this man…. He is a true healer.
Still feeling blown away by the amazing intuitive bodywork session I had yesterday with Phill Hunt. Trained in osteopathy, Phill has developed his own mind/body therapy called Somapsyche. It was truly one of the deepest treatments I have ever experienced – a kind of meditation and enquiry on the body. I didn’t go with a specific ailment or concern, more in a spirit of curiousity, but something really big came up for me emotionally and I had the opportunity to release it in the hands of a highly skillful, competent and ‘tuned-in’ practitioner. I am truly in awe.
Gayatri Beegan
Phill Hunt gave me his Soul Body Work treatment, which took me to places I have not been able to access any other way. As an Osteopath, he knows the body, but he is much more than that. He’s a shaman and his approach to releasing trauma is profound. Do yourself a favor and receive from this gifted healer. I feel more open and whole then I have in a very long time. Thank you Phil!
Mia Pearl Leighty
I have found Mr Hunt to be extremely professional, having a wealth of experience. I have gained much useful advice in relation to holistic health and nutrition, which I have eagerly implemented into my lifestyle. I have recommended Mr Hunt to friends with excellent results and have no hesitation in recommending him again.
S.E.L Parsons- Peterborough
I’m really thankful for today’s session and I want to recommend your powerful healing work that goes deep unblocking emotional and mental patterns that are ingrained in the body so as to experience freedom and integration of mind body and spirit. Thanks for the magic.
Nicole Hadad
As a full time GP I have referred many of my patients to Phill – all have been very grateful for his help with regards to their medical problems. I have had treatment myself and find him kind, gentle, competent and very professional.
Dr. G Peters- Peterborough
Phill has considerable insight into human suffering. He communicates this through his awareness that the patient needs to be understood as a whole person. He is a professional, dedicated to his healing work.
V.A Turner- Peterborough
After suffering from chronic lower back and pelvic pain for years, I had seen many other therapists with no real results. Phill got to the root of the problem and my pain has improved immensely. Thank you!
Maria- Cambridge
I highly recommend Phill’s work, he is an exceptional therapist. You’ll rarely come across someone who combines such broad knowledge and experience from different fields.
Kat Anam